Module Tuning

Chiptuning has gotten a bad name because of cheap, low quality ‘chiptuning products’. They were called “powerbox”, but those boxes didn’t do what we now can do with custom-chiptuning or the ATM-Chiptuning Module. The older powerboxes only adjusted 1 or 2 values, by intercepting those in between of the engine and your cars engine-management-unit (ECU).


Newer generation ECU’s, boardcomputers’ contain a memorychip that is impossible or hard to read/write with the OBD communication-line. Sometimes there isn’t even any external memory and only an internal memory of the ECU is being used. On these types of ECU’s there is a BDM-port (Backround Debugging Mode). Through this BDM-port, ATM is able to read


OBD-chiptuning is a commonly heard expression in the world of chiptuning. OBD-chiptuning means ‘On Board Diagnostics’-chiptuning. This is one of the most used and easiest method to read data from an ECU. During an OBD-chiptuning ATM connects its equipment to your cars OBD-port. The OBD-port is present in all cars from 1998. This OBD-port is

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